Motives are not mutually exclusive, rather, different motives combine for each collector for a multitude of reasons. [A thread] psychological perspective + concept of collecting
1. Hunting and Gathering

Pioneering psychologist Carl Jung traced collecting to the way that pre-agricultural cultures survived by gathering food and storing it against lean times. The people who most successfully piled up food and other necessities were more likely to survive +
winters, droughts, and other difficulties, letting them pass on their genes to future generations. Accumulating is an evolutionary advantage and the feeling of security from surrounding oneself with valuable possessions encourages people to continue this behavior.
The collector takes this instinct to a more intellectual level, seeking certain carefully selected objects instead of simply gathering everyday items in greater numbers.
Some collect for the thrill of the hunt. For these collectors, collecting is a quest, a lifelong pursuit which can never be completed.
2. Consumerism
We live in a consumer culture in which we are defined by our possessions. You do not need to be a vain materialist to feel this way. A faded shirt will serves its purposes of warmth and decency but most of us would put that garment in the rag bag instead of +
+ world see us in tattered clothes. The collector both rejects consumerism and embraces it. He rejects consumerism by refusing the disposable products that most people buy, choosing to channel resources towards the collection. Like food for example it is a necessity ofc but would
+be deemed useless once you eat your fills, or cloths that would eventually go out of style. The collector sacrifices these examples of conspicuous consumption for the private enjoyment of items of lasting value. At the same time, the collector embraces consumerism by devoting +
+ treasure and mind space to possessions. As the collector defines himself by the quality and value of his collection.
3. Mastery
The world is large and uncaring, with events happening beyond our control. A collector, however, owns and directs a small part of that world. Like in photocards for example, you decide, acquire, and protect the items in that set with binders and all.
You are like the homeowner with the safe space. While the larger world may disappoint with its dirt and disarray, these tiny binder give their owner a sense of mastery and satisfaction.
4. Reducing Anxiety

As an adult, acquiring new objects also provides temporary relief from anxiety, loneliness and uncertainty. The feeling of comfort fades and the collector must continue to add to the collection to stave off unwelcome feelings.
Collecting may provide psychological security by filling a part of the self one feels is missing or is void of meaning. When your life is falling apart at the seams, with collecting you can somehow reverse that.
5. Joy of Buying

Sometimes the motivation to collect is the joy of buying. Who doesn't love shopping? If you add times with friends, talking about purchase and trading behind stories, a day of this kpop craze can be the best days of the year.
Collecting isn't just acquiring an item, you acquire a story and memories with it. Whatever the reason you collect, I think the most important one is that you enjoy doing so, and find your life in order, more complete and satisfying in the process. Don't burn out ^^
~ e n d ~
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