One month since the attack and I’m still learning harrowing details about the day. So much has happened since and the news moves so fast, it’s been difficult to focus on it.

Conversations with others who were there have often felt like another 9/11 “Where were you?” moment.
Staffers I haven’t seen since recalling how they barricaded themselves in offices in terror. Members telling me how they followed my feed on their phone while in the chamber in disbelief. Reporters still trying to make sense of it all. All of us still coping.
This is a bit weird to say, but reading the horror others experienced simply *hearing* the mob storm the building and pound on doors, especially inside the House chamber, I can't help but feel a bit lucky I was stuck outside.
As rioters flooded Senate hallways in search of members, I could at least see them. I could decide how close I wanted to get, and where to follow them. I had some small sense of control, such as it was, trapped in a building overrun by hundreds of people.
Covering the trial next week is going to be... interesting. The managers are expected to present visual evidence as part of their opening arguments. Hope everyone is taking care of themselves as we relive the day.
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