Welsh Government has just published a really important document for walking and cycling in Wales. Its name isn't very inspiring, but it finally puts in place a key part of the 2013 Active Travel Act. https://gov.wales/11420-supplementary-guidance-safety-street-works-and-road-works-code-practice-2013
The Act said that when someone digs up the road they have to think about their impact on walkers and cyclists. But hardly anybody took any notice. It matters. If people find their usual path is suddenly blocked or they're forced into busy traffic, they won't walk or cycle.
The new guidance makes it clear that when undertaking roadworks any risks to cyclists must be designed out. And that's all cyclists, including children. It also says that if you close a road to cars but don't have to close it to cyclists, then don't! And put up a sign!
Ever been close passed when cycling on a road made very narrow by roadworks? Can be pretty frightening. The new guidance says overtaking cyclists should not be permitted unless the lane is at least 4mtrs wide. The guidance isn't perfect but much better than we have now.
I've focussed on bikes but there are equally important provisions for walkers and particularly for people with disabilities. Will it work? It will if local authorities insist on it.
Most roadworks in Wales are done under licence from councils. So if you think roadworks are making your ride or walk dangerous tell your council and quote this guidance.
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