Missouri is allocating its share of the COVID-19 vaccine based Missouri Highway Patrol regions. Missouri gets 76,000 doses of vaccine. Region C which encompasses St. Louis County and City and represents 37% of Missouri’s population receives 15,600 doses per week. /1
Region C is just about finished vaccinating those in Phase 1A which included healthcare workers, LTC and nursing homes. /2
There are 700K people eligible in Region C of Missouri (which includes St. Louis City and County) to receive the COVID-19 vaccine in Phase 1B Tiers 1 and 2. /3
With no increase in vaccine allocation, at a rate of 15,600 doses per week, it will take approximately 50 weeks to get through those currently eligible in Phase 1B Tiers 1 and 2. /4
As it stands, approximately 69% of the vaccine doses administered in Missouri have gone to white people even though Blacks, Asians and Latino are disproportionately impacted by COVID-19. /5
This week, @GovParsonMO announced that Missouri will expand vaccinations to include Walmart and Health Mart pharmacies. There are no Walmarts and only 3 Health Mart pharmacies in the city of St. Louis. This expansion will only further the facial disparity in vaccine access. /6
This data and accompanying slides were presented at Friday’s St. Louis Pandemic Task Force briefing with @alexgarzaMD /7 https://www.facebook.com/StLouisMetropolitanPandemicTaskForce/
Questions that I would like answered by @GovParsonMO : Region C’s 1st mass vaccination was in Lincoln County and limited to their residents. Given that the vaccine is a resource allocated to Region C, shouldn’t these events be open to ALL residents of Region C? /8
My second question: Once other areas of the state vaccinate all members of Phase 1B Tiers 1 and 2, will the more populous Regions (like Region C) see an increase in the number of vaccines they receive? /9
PS: I’m late to start cleaning This Old Filthy House before the boys’ high holy day tomorrow. So if this thread is riddled with grammatical and spelling errors, blame it on Patrick Mahomes.
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