I don't quite share @CapelLofft's pessimism. There are churches which are larger now than 10 years ago, and others which are the same size. But FWIW, if we have ten years to save the CofE, here's ten things we can do: https://twitter.com/CapelLofft/status/1358017207603716100
1) Restore the link between leadership and parish. License every cleric in a diocesan position to a cathedral or parish church and require them to have 1+ Sunday a month serving in that church. Then the diocese is accountable locally and the parish understands the bigger picture.
2) Have a serious conversation about clergy and officers' remuneration. A defined benefit pension is a luxury we may not be able to afford and it's iniquitous for the clergy to have them and not lay workers. Big houses make us look like we're hypocrites. And a flat pay scale now!
3) Take issues around sexuality seriously. If a large chunk of the nation think our position on gay marriage is immoral and it is one of the biggest blocks to young people engaging with Xianity, we need to decide where we stand. Ideally yesterday.
4) Take our liturgical life seriously. No more '62 different options' worship. No more clergy skipping the office or people 'taking breaks' from mass. We should see our ritual obligations as shaping every aspect of life, not tasks to get through or anachronisms to do away with.
5) A root and branch reform of church financing, especially church commissioner funding. Funding our cathedrals may be a mission imperative; funding diocesan bishops' staff is not. SDF grants to churches with track records of 'holding their own', not to abstractive plants.
6) People don't come to church because they can get a comfy sofa there. And many people don't go to church value it for the ways its not like the wider world. Our heritage, music and buildings are treasures of which we are trustees, not possessions to muck around with.
7) A culture of sustainable churches rather than growing churches. Many 'trendy' churches operate on a boom-and-bust model and a lot of our churches which embraced the contemporary worship are now in steep decline. Look at what has been sustainable over 10, 20, 30 years. Fund it.
8) Representation is not optional. Neither is competency. We may have more women and BAME people as leaders, but when was the last time you saw a bishop who was a wheelchair user? But also: why appoint people to senior jobs who don't know their stuff or can't preach for toffee?
9) Ditch the college system. Make curacies 3 sets of 6 month placements. No other organisation uses such an expensive model and they produce poor results for the money we spend. Intense study, high academic standards and a wider range of curacy experience are what we need.
10) Finally... accept that we're going to lose churches. 40% decline in 40 years with only 6% loss of buildings is not sustainable. Clergy cannot cope with 6 or 8 churches. Lay people struggle to be inspired when there's only 10 on Sunday morning. We need to be honest about this.
Those are just some controversial thoughts. And they're limited by Twitter as a medium. But if we're serious about the church still being there in 2069 (I am also 32) then we need to talk about how we can save it financially, culturally and spiritually now.
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