Lest some forget: we are currently living through a global pandemic. Prioritize the health of you and your loved ones. Write, yes, when you can. Write because your have beautiful things to say. Write to advance the field and, dare I say it, to better the world (1/2).
Some academic writing absolutely takes my breathe away. Nyasha Junior’s recent JBL article, The Mark of Cain and White Violence did that for me. It can take time to produce this type of work. It can be bold to do so, but in my book it is absolutely worth it (2/2).
In uncertain times—and goodness, we are currently living in uncertain times—I try to dig deep. To reconnect with what I initially drew me into biblical studies/ancient studies/early Judaism/early Christianity. My pandemic writing looks different than my pre-pandemic writing.
My pandemic writing is slower, but it is also bolder. I’m taking more risks. But if part of the biblical message is to care for the poor, the needy, the downtrodden, the alien in our midst, then our work ought to do this too.
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