1/6. Are those noisy Punjabis at Delhi’s gates “rich farmers?” The average monthly income of a farm household (avg. 5.24 persons) in that state was Rs. 18,059. Or a monthly per capita income of Rs. 3,450. (NSS 70th Round). Story link at end of thread.
2/6. In Haryana: Farm household avg. 5.9 persons. Avg. monthly income Rs.14,434 or Rs. 2,450 per capita. That’s income from ALL sources: cultivation, livestock, wages/ salaries, non-farm businesses. Gee! Such wealth. What a ball these folks must be having.
3/6. Sure they’re better off than farmers in, say, Gujarat: Farm household avg. 5.2 persons, Avg. monthly income Rs. 7,926 (or Rs. 1,524 per capita). All India average: farm household 5.1. Avg. monthly household income Rs. 6,426. Per capita barely Rs. 1,300
4/6. Please remember that the government has pledged to double farmers’ incomes by 2022 – 12 months from now. A herculean task. That’s what makes the disruptive interference of the Rihannas and Thunbergs all the more annoying.
5/6. It only affects Punjab-Haryana, say the experts. Funny. When last verified by a committee not appointed by the Supreme Court, both Punjab and Haryana were a part of the Indian Union. You’d think what happens there matters to all of us.
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