Dr. Frances Levin in the house talking about #stimulants !!! @ColumbiaPsych @Columbia
2/ Psychosocial treatments for stimulants, start with #contingency management and add CBT for durability of treatment outcomes
3/ #Methamphetamine Pharmacologic treatments, should we do meta-analysis if the outcomes measured are different?
4/ Here is Dr. Levin's world view from the "trenches" treating many patients with stimulant use disorder - here are the broad strokes
5/ Use of stimulant agonists for treatment of stimulant use disorders - certainly need to consider safety, dosing matters, formulation matters, the behavioral platform probably effects the outcome
6/ Use of stimulant antagonists - vaccines, indirect antagonists (topiramate, gabapentin)
7/ How about topiramate for #cocaine - has a signal, may be helpful particularly in patients with AUD, didn't help in patients on methadone
8/ Single Ketamine infusion combined with mindfulness for cocaine use disorder: RCT - was positive, more studies to come
9/ Mirtazapine for methamphetamine use disorder
10/ Bupropion + Naltrexone for methamphetamine use disorder showing promise from Trivedi et al, 2021 in @NEJM
11/ What is missing in the literature for stimulant treatment - women and folks with comorbid mental health are missing, need consistent outcomes
12/ Summary of medication treatments that are showing promise, need more data and more experience using them in the "real world" -- end
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