leaders didn't put the economy over public health, rather they put minimizing health and economic risks for wealthy people over poor people by deeming working-class labour both essential and disposable. In this paper, I will argue for a stronger class analysis of COVID policy-
prioritizing a type of racial capitalism with which we are already familiar. securing the profit interests of the wealthy in a time of instability, has meant maximizing the health and economic risks for healthcare workers, teachers, Black and Indigenous people, disabled ppl.
This is not a new phenomenon, it has always been the cost of racial capitalism. COVID policy has simply exacerbated this, revealing in more explicit terms who is disposable in order to stabilize a capitalist status quo.
We need to define our terms properly. When politicians say a policy is based on economic recovery, they are often actually talking about implementing risky measures on us to double down on racial capitalist labour organization from which they & corporate donors benefit
& this comes to the detriment to existing economic organizations (co-ops/collectives) that run counter to or directly against a settler colonial and racial capitalist order. These need to be considered in what we define as 'economy' & their exclusion is telling.
so anyways - anarcho-socialism is cool and I like talking about it
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