1) A fair few people still seem to be giving digital foundry grief for their latest video. Let's be honest, this isn't about what they did or how it was done, its about their findings not gelling with your "reality". So allow me to explain this a little more for you.
2) The reason why using photo mode is a good idea is quite simple. During normal gameplay, you will be at the mercy of many different areas. IO and memory mangement, CPU tasks, GPU... Everything has its own little role to play.
3) So when you're ingame running about causing explosions and having fun, the CPU is figuring out the inverse kinetics of the players legs and the physics of that box that just collided with a wall. The GPU is rendering these assets and ordering them etc.
4) In other words, a standard "benchmark" would take each of these into account for the overall picture. But photomode in this case isn't. It's a narrow, very focussed way of looking at overall GPU grunt and seeing how exactly its being put to use.
5) In other words, once you take the others out of the equation, you no longer have to worry about outside influences changing your frame rate, because now you are purely focussed on one thing: Render. This means that you now can directly compare Product A and Product B FAIRLY.
6) For a better example of this style of benchmarking, see things like 3D Mark and the like. This is a standard way of testing. Its better to split things down like this so you can see how each area reacts in a real, fair setting.
7) Now this DOES NOT give you a result of everything on the whole. Yes, XSX CPU is faster and should result in better or equal performance. However PS5 is also designed in a way that it won't have the same constraints as XSX (Due to windows). But, it does give you an idea.
8) So, all those people on the forums making stupid jokes about how this is a pointless thing to do... Its really not. Its actually a very fair way of looking at a single area of task. It makes sense to do and gives a fair and balanced result for the two GPU's.
9) One last note - There is a lot of silly talk about different settings. This is wrong. Both games have the EXACT same settings. This talk boils down to two topics. 1) RT is better on PS5 and 2) Textures are better on PS5. Allow me to clear this up.
10) First of all, no, RT is not better on PS5. Control is picking and choosing what to include in its intersect checks based on requirements. These can change on the fly. You'll notice theres a pic of the RTR drawing less on xbox? Well, the opposite is also true.
11) In the pic you will notice that certain details are being drawn on one system, not on the others. And while people are saying "its just paper it doesn't matter". Well, RT doesn't work this way. A polygon is a polygon. Actually the above pic costs just as much to render even.
12) That's because the engine is deciding what is best given the current rendering budget of the scene and keeping things at an acceptable level performance wise. Both consoles have different strengths and weaknesses, and so both consoles will do things differently here at times.
13) Lastly, textures being "better" on PS5. First of all we have direct confirmation this is false from the devs. I do see the issue people point out in pics, however to me it looks more like a rendering issue in a few spots. The usual obvious signs...
14) ...that accompany lower detail/res assets are just not present in the comparisons. What it looks like to me, is an issue with a few surfaces in the pics drawing incorrectly, nothing more. Theres even one pic with pipes and things? Well this ones easy to...
15) ...explain. This area has a dynamic flashing light that flickers. The light is simply brighter in one pic over the other, hence why everything else in the scene is lit the same.
16) Anyway, I'll wrap this up now. But on closing, please... Just chill out. Enjoy the game whatever platform you're on. Not everything has to be made into some huge ass console war. Its just pixels. And at the end of the day, enjoying yourself is the most important aspect.
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