MINI-THREAD on White Christian Nationalism.

1) Religion is a funny thing, ain't it? It can guide you, comfort you, then turn around and try to kill you. Tea would bet you a set of banjo strings that almost every one of them traitors that attacked our Capitol identify...
2) Christian. How does a religion founded by the "Prince of Peace" transform into a blood-thirsty mob bent on killin' their own brothers and sisters?
3) Truth be told, religion has been responsible for more deaths than global pandemics, world wars and meteors. For millennia, greedy politicians in every age observed that folks consumed religion and politics in much the same manner.
4) Religion is driven by faith, essentially belief in the unseen and unexplainable, which deters critical thinkin' and questionin' things with higher order parts of the brain. Turns out scoundrels figured out if they could mix politics in with their religion...
5) would be embraced with the same devotion and lack of scrutiny, creatin' an army of zealots ready to carry out the "commandments of the Lord." All corrupt politicians needed to do was make their wide-eyed followers believe their political agenda was indistinguishable...
6) ..from God's will. This is why Republicans promote religion while devaluin' education, since one is the natural adversary of the other. Have you noticed that in almost every war, both sides firmly believe that their deity is on their side?
7) So how do we create a separation of Church and Hate? The answer is simpler than you may think: education. We need to promote education as one of our top priorities. The more folks think, the less they'll be tempted to give in and embrace these idiot conspiracy...
8) ...theories, which are nothin' but gateway drugs to racism, division and hatred. Every time you see a dead-eyed MAGA spewin' their brainless hate, that's just one more child left behind. If we took just one percent of our military budget and invest it in education...
9) ...we would see a magnitude of improvement in the quality of life in our nation and reap rewards for generations to come. Try it and see if Tea Pain ain't right. <eot>
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