Ok, I am sort of shocked by what was left out of this piece, the thesis of which is “progressives doing worse in vaccination.” (Thread, unfortunately) https://twitter.com/hotlinejosh/status/1357777671049142272
The first problem is a sin of omission. Of the 10 states in the U.S. doing the worst in vaccination rollout, 7 are bright red. One is purple (Kansas has a D governor) and NV & IL are blue.

He then mentions Alaska and West Virginia are doing the best. West Virginia is a legit success story, but the main reason AK is doing well is it got twice the allotment of other states because of tribal treaties and other state-specific issues. He leaves this out. (3)
He also says in the paragraph above that “Oklahoma and the Dakotas also above average” but leaves out that New Mexico (Dem), DC (Dem) and CT (Dem) are all doing better than Oklahoma & South Dakota. (4) https://www.bloomberg.com/graphics/covid-vaccine-tracker-global-distribution/
He calls out big Dem states like CA & NY. California is indeed not doing well, but he conveniently leaves out that Texas (R) lags behind BOTH as does Ohio (R). Of the top 10 most populous states, the one doing the best (North Carolina) has a Dem governor (5)
I know I said “end” but one last note: countries that contained the virus don’t have as much pressure to administer the vaccine. He mentions the ones below but leaves out China (which also contained the virus) is not speedy about vaccination and is in no way progressive! (PS)
Also this. Look, each state has its own advantages and challenges but at the end of the day I think we’re gonna see the ones with the most serious public health infrastructures come out on top. In America those are states with a big IHS or VA presence. I will shut up now. https://twitter.com/getyrtrouserson/status/1357697182086881280
More on issues related to this from a truly wonderful piece by @annehelen (h/t @shaneferro) https://annehelen.substack.com/p/the-secret-to-getting-a-vaccine-appointment
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