Struggling w/autocaptioning software that has no AI. It's not learning. It hates my accent and gender. I have been saving the 'best' errors. I'm going to make it a twitter thread - for my sanity. Any good ones to add? #BadAcaAutocaptions #AcademicChatter #OnlineTeaching
Autocorrect: rubber puppetry
Actually: rural poverty #BadAcaAutocaptions
Autocorrect: John Cage
Actually: Chen Kaige #BadAcaAutocaptions
Autocorrect: April Thrush
Actually: overall thrust #BadAcaAutocaptions
Autocorrect: sexual, sexual media
Actually: socialism, social media #BadAcaAutocaptions
Autocorrect: The Arabian Sea
Actually: their own reality #BadAcaAutocaptions
Autocorrect: Lemme just sourdough throw
Actually: Guillermo del Toro #BadAcaAutocaptions
Autocorrect: cloning experiment
Actually: Colonial experience #BadAcaAutocaptions
Autocorrect: uranium evolution
Actually: Iranian Revolution #BadAcaAutocaptions
Autocorrect: hammy, not fancy
Actually: Hamid Naficy #BadAcaAutocaptions
This was it's attempt to caption a section of the lecture in French. It also did this when there was someone speaking in a Australian accent on one of film clips #BadAcaAutocaptions
Autocaption: cynical lays
Actually: Senegalese
Autocaption: There is a Russia's quite
self-critical if his iMac M3
Actually: Jean Rouch can be quite self critical
Autocaption: Juncture Voltaire
Actually: John Travolta #BadAcaAutocaptions
Autocaption: who saw the results of intersex
Actually: whose stories intersect #BadAcaAutocaptions
Autocaption: Wonka Wise; Wrong Hawaii, Oink Chi, Wong Hawaiian...
Actually: Wong Kari-Wai #BadAcaAutocaptions
Just got Wonky Hallways to add to this.
Watson mu1 Khawaja.

What language does the captioning software think I am speaking, seriously.
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