Call me a groupie or a fangirl, but @Nicolascole77 is an epic writer.

Why should I struggle myself if I can learn from his painful lessons after writing 3,000+ articles in 7 years?

1/ There is only 1 secret to online writing

Volume wins.

There isn’t a writing platform on the internet where this isn't the case.

Social platforms. Major publications. Every growth period of his writing career happened during months/years of consistent volume.

2/ Growth hacks are overrated

He spent a LOT of time reading digital marketing blogs about how to get 50% more views here, or 20% more subscribers there.

He likes to call most of it mental masturbation.

You’re far better off just consistently creating new content.
3/ Writing that engages/goes viral is emotional

You don’t have to “air your dirty laundry,” but you do have to say something that makes the person on the other side of the screen pause, *feel you*, and engage.
4/ You don’t go viral by getting lucky

You go viral by publishing day after day, week after week, year after year.

His Quora dashboard is a great example. Out of 1,200+ Answers, less than 100 have gone viral.

That’s not luck. That’s rolling the dice 1,200+ times.
5/ Not everyone has something interesting to say

This is a brutal truth, and one of the first big hurdles you have to overcome as a writer online.

If your writing isn’t engaging, you might not be saying anything unique/compelling/original.

So? Dig deeper.
6/ There is more than 1 way to “make it” ($$$) as a writer

The publishing world celebrates best-selling authors. The reality? Most are broke.

The writers with the most creative AND financial freedom are all independent.

They monetize in a variety of ways — not just book sales
7/ Ghostwriting is gasoline for your career

It’s lucrative. It’s a supercharger for building a powerful network.

It teaches you how to write in different voices. It allows you to play with words all day long & practice your craft.

Every writer should also ghostwrite.
8/ Your personal projects will always give you the biggest ROI

He became a ghostwriter after establishing himself as a writer on Quora first.

Nobody paid him to write online. He made a personal investment in himself, and it changed his life.

Always invest in yourself.
9/ Any writer can make $$ online.

Not every writer can get rich.

The easiest way to make $$ as a writer is by providing a service or teaching.

Both, low barriers to entry. Get here, first.

Once you’re established as a full-time writer, chase the Great American Novel dream.
10/ Being a Writer is not a destination.

It’s a habit

Anyone who is actively writing is a writer.

Anyone no longer actively writing is not. They’re a “retired writer.”

Don’t wait for the accolade to tell you who you are.

Let your habits speak for you.

All credits go to @Nicolascole77 for these lessons.
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