If you're a married millennial and considering leaving your husband because this pandemic proved to you the disutility of heterosexual marriage during a crisis, I would love for you to rant (anonymously) in my DMs so I can show my female friends they're not alone in this.
So many women feel this pressure to make bad marriages work because that's what good women do and it fucking kills them for a full decade until they really can't take it anymore or he just cheats on her anyway. If marriage is a bad deal, it's a really bad deal for women.
All relationships are hard. None are easy. But the expectation of who is supposed to fix the relationship when it's not working is gendered in heterosexual relationships in ways that men don't even comprehend because it's so taken for granted that it's not their role.
You can't talk your husband out of misogyny. If he takes a gendered arrangement for granted and has no analysis of how gender inequality actually works in heterosexual relationships, he's not going to meet you halfway. He has no idea where that is.
Golden Girls was the way and we slept on it.
fucking con all of it
I'm like in full cheerlead mode right now my dms are full of feminist awakening
If a dude ever says "You have it good" the VIOLENT subtext is always because he knows that most single mothers in America are made to have it extremely bad outside of marriage because our public policy provides nothing close to welfare.

He brings it up as a threat.
this is how I imagine lockdown works out a lot of the time right now
dump him
Based on the state of my DMs, I'm predicting like a serious divorce surge. Straight women are done.
wives vs. buddies: pandemic edition has been fucking horrible to watch for the last year

unrelated, happy super bowl day tomorrow, hope your boyfriend has fun at his "speakeasy" superspreader party he has to go to, he'll be careful, you can't live your life in fear
Woke up to an inbox of so many messages like this.

Het marriage sounds fucking terrible. It does.
The number of husbands described in these DMs who lied to their partners about doing online therapy to get out of childcare is not zero.

Apparently, this is a very common strategy.
Hey this thread is fun. Please donate if you can to Women's Resources of Monroe County, which serves survivors of domestic violence in the Poconos.

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