so like, i think vibe checks are really important for when you want to invest in a project's coin. some of my methods are to go in the discord and say something gay, or go in the telegram and act rude. maybe my sample size is small here,
but all or most of the project teams who have banned or muted me haven't done terribly well, and those who responded positively have seen positive results. list of project discords i've been banned from or muted in so far: @iearnfinance @MUSTCometh @picklefinance @Bancor
I think the inability of moderators or community managers to tolerate (or enjoy) light (obvious) playmaking tends to reflect a lack of connection with the English-speaking CT community at large (people who will buy the coins and use the products).
when teams are out of touch with their communities, it's difficult for them to create products that capture and hold market share imo.
compare those to, say, the Sushiswap and Rope communities - moderators and community members alike have all been amazingly receptive and friendly, not only in response to all the gay jokes.
It's a pleasure to interact with team members who are like other members of the same community - and that's the way it should be really.
Look, we're all here to pump our own bags. Who's to say that developers or other team members should be placed on a pedestal above the users, bagholders and shills? You might think you've made the best product ever, but if people have a hard time using it, where's the value?
There's important work to be done here; let's not get big heads.
I'm gay.
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