People on the far-right complain incessantly (and hypocritically) about “cancel culture”. What they don’t tell you is that they have a cancel culture of their own: they want to CANCEL all the Heritage CULTURES of America that aren’t Anglo-Saxon, as well as their 1/
influence on the Anglo-Saxon based mainstream American culture. This is literally FASCISM. Despite what the far-right claims, America is not an ethno-state. If you DNA test someone, the only way they’ll test out as being of “American descent” is if they are or have 2/
First Nations DNA in their makeup. And while it’s true that the majority of the foundation of what most of us consider to be “American Culture” was by default laid by those of English origin or descent, even the metaphorical blocks and mortar of that was not entirely 3/
contributed by them; some of it came from (or was stolen from) First Nations peoples, some of it came from Germans, some from the Dutch, some from Swedes, some from the French...and of course, some of the construction of it was aided even by the Polish. 4/
And the actual edifice that is America was built by many others; people of African descent, usually slaves, former slaves, or descendents of slaves; Irish; Italians; Chinese; Japanese; Czechs; and many others. THAT IS THE REAL AMERICA. 5/
But the far-right would have you believe that only those Anglo-Saxons who settled along the eastern seaboard of our continent created this country or its culture, and that “fact” must be defended at all costs; the “pure” culture of this 6/
country (which never truly existed, at least not “everywhere, always, and for everybody”, to paraphrase St. Vincent of Lerins) must be reclaimed. In their America, pizza and spaghetti, tacos and tres leches, goulash and stroganoff, chow mien and chop suey, would no 7/
longer exist. Going to a nightclub to dance the night away to Salsa or Norteño would no longer be an option. Celebrating Mardi Gras, St. Patrick’s Day, or Cinco de Mayo could get you arrested. Of course, this is not the first time those in our 8/
society who believe as they do have tried to impose their will on the rest of us; the Know Nothings and the Assimilationist movements of the late 19th and early 20th centuries stand as stark — and fortunately failed — attempts to achieve a culturally and linguistically 9/
pure America.

Yesterday, one of the most strident and stringent voices for this ideology lost his main platform. Louis Carl “Lou” Dobbs was cancelled by the Fox Business channel, not because of his anti-multiculturalism and anti-diversity stances, not even for his over-the- 10/
top fawning over Donald Trump. No, it was because he slandered a couple of companies that make voting machines. While I am happy beyond the capacity of human language to express that he’s lost that outlet, he still has a presence on Facebook and Twitter (unfortunately). 11/
Wisely, though, Fox is basically paying him *not* to seek another outlet for preaching his vile agendas. Still, I don’t know if he’ll fade away like a good little Fascist, or if he will find a way to bedevil the rest of us less narrow-minded and selfish folk into the future. 12/
I hope not. Those of us who treasure America’s unique multicultural heritage must be willing to defend it at all costs, because even if Dobbs’ voice fades into the background eventually, there are plenty of other, even more hateful people who will be more than 13/
willing to try and step into his shoes. FIN
Exhibit A of what I was talking about
And Exhibit B. (Please RT the hell out of this thread if you agree with it. Even if your only contact with non-Anglo culture is an occasional pizza or celebrating St. Patrick’s Day, it’s all in danger of being gone if these Fascist fux ever get their way...
The only red and white baseball cap you’ll ever see me wearing (I bought it especially to own the MAGATS)...
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