Michael Jackson defense thread containing links to reliable and credible sources:💪🏿👇🏿👇🏿👇🏿

1: Watch #SquareOneMJ on YouTube or Amazon Prime Video:
2. Watch #LiesOfLeavingNeverland on YouTube:
3. Watch Leaving Neverland: Aftermath created by @jin_chohan on YouTube:
4. Watch Leaving Neverland: Take Two which contains audio featuring investigative journalist Charles Thomson.

5. Watch footage from the 2005 trial featuring the jury members and others that were relevant to the case:
12. Nicole's View interview with Legal Expert Scott Ross:

13. Tariq Nasheed and his take on LN:

Tariq Nasheed interviewing Brandi Jackson:

14. Professor Black Truth and his take on LN (some of his opinions and remarks might be offensive to some people)

15. Aba and Peach and their take on LN:

16. Collative Learning channel with his take on LN:
17. Check out Loving Neverland:

18. MJ the Humanitarian by Paul Dwyer:

19: Arian Foster's take on LN:

20. Watch a fantastic German counter documentary to LN called Suche Nach Der Wahrheit (contains English subtitles) with a special thanks also to @Katie4aday who is also featured in this German TV special about Michael Jackson ☺️💪🏿 https://www.bitchute.com/video/mZvLw4VTeuT4/
Watch criminal court case journalist Linda Deutsch describe the dubious narrative from the U.S. mainstream media regarding the 2005 trial of Michael Jackson: 👇🏿👇🏿👇🏿
And last but not least, watch the classic rebuttal to LN by Razorfist which comes in multiple parts. Watch part 1 below: 👇🏿👇🏿👇🏿
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