Thinking a lot today about how fortunate we all are that Trump is an absolute coward. Coup attempts, plots to overthrow the election, war-brinksmanship. Things could’ve been so, so much worse if he was made of sterner stuff.
Watching Mike Lindell’s documentary was like realizing I’d narrowly avoided being struck by lightning in the past. The madness Lindell and Sidney Powell surrounded Trump with, and the madness Trump listened to, was as toxic and deranged as it gets.
Reading accounts now of the meeting Powell and Flynn had in the Oval Office, where Trump listened to their plans for coups and takeovers, waiting on someone to just carry it out for him...if he would’ve acted on any of this we would’ve been in real trouble.
Instead, Trump played a passive role. He let Powell, Flynn, and his advisers fight for hours, just waiting on someone to make a decision for him. And with Lindell, the decision not to declare martial law was probably more about not wanting to have to do it.
Again, Trump’s entire m.o. is pretending to be a tough deal maker, a complete illusion. He’s a soft, brittle, lazy, incompetent man. He welcomed these grifters and fascists, gave them power, but was too lazy and cowardly and just wanted someone, anyone, to do it for him.
It’s simply maddening to look at the last few years and realize how bad it was and how much worse it could’ve been. God help us if anyone more competent, capable, and brasher than Trump takes over his legacy. God help us.
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