1. Let's take some potential usecases of #blockchain in the future! First one will be #realestate!
2. With the creation of stock markets, you can own a part of the company. For example, if there are 10000 shares and you own 1 share, you have %0.01 of the company.
Nice business mate.
3. It doesn't only apply to stock markets too.
You want to own gold but can't afford 1kg of it?
Buy 1 g of gold.
You want to rent the house, but can't afford it?
Share the rent with your friend.
4. You want to own a house and can't afford it?
You can't own it.
I don't know man, you just can't.
5. But when your parents die, you can share the house as heritage with your brother/sister.
You can't buy house partially, but you can inherit it.
But you can't sell half of it. You have to sell it with your brother.
This is some logic.
6. How does #blockchain solve this issue?
With tokens which represent the house.
It could work like this:
All the land is registered as non-fungible divisible tokens.
Let's say it can be divided to 10000 parts.
7. Token's name can be something like this:
RE_1133_Broadway_802_NY_10010_United States
If you own 10000 of those tokens, you own the whole house. If you want to sell part of it, now you can sell on the market.
8. But what if i want to #rent the house, but the other #landlords don't want to?
We can build private #governance for this. You can vote on there, and your vote would be based on your share of the house.
9. What if i want to stay in the house, but others want to rent it? Let's say you have %20 of the house.
Well, you can stay in the house paying the rent. Then %20 of the rent money goes to your #wallet.
You sit in your house with %20 #discount!
10. This way, everyone can invest in #RealEstate even though they are not millionaires. It opens up the sector for everyone.
12. To build, you need to dream it first.
See you in another thread!
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