i wonder why corporations, governments, universities, schools, hollywood and the media all want you to stop drinking milk https://twitter.com/oatlyuk/status/1354718720355168256
i will never stop drinking raw milk, i will feed my children raw milk, and will promote raw milk online, fatso & mystery meat ain’t gonna change that
milk is one of the only complete foods in the world, fats, carbs, protein, minerals, vitamins, nutrients, probiotics, etc it’s got it all. you can survive alone on this stuff. trying doing that with oats or almonds and your body will shut down from inflammation
worse than that: stuff like oats and almonds not only causes insane amounts of inflammation, but also expect digestive issues, bloating, nutrition loss, gut bacteria imbalances, etc. put away the nut “milk” and reach for the raw nectar
great thread https://twitter.com/milkonaut/status/1355244662416674817
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