We need to reopen schools.
We need to reopen schools before more people realize that all the technology purchased with millions of taxpayer dollars to transform education doesn't really work.
We need to reopen schools because the school to prison pipeline won't fill itself.
We need to reopen schools because how else can affluent suburban families fully realize all the benefits of their heavily segregated enclaves without their children reaping the benefits of our inequitable educational system?
We need to reopen schools because pundits with a platform and young children are really tired.
We need to reopen schools because the College Board needs to push out some tests and boost those revenue numbers, otherwise people might realize that the tests aren't necessary.
We need to reopen schools so it will stop being obvious that many superintendents and principals have no idea how to use technology to educate.
We need to reopen schools so teachers can get back to the important work of spending their own money on supplies, including food, for their students - because the same people who clutch their pearls about the importance of education clutch their wallets when it's time to fund it.
We need to reopen schools so things can start to get back to normal, and the impacts of our decades long failure to support public education for all students is less visible.
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