Those emergency investors will get a quick win, as RH likely IPOs later this year.

“[RH] told in­vestors they still plan to take the com­pany pub­lic some­time in the first half of the year...To do so, he will have to clear the high growth bar set by Wall St. investors.”

RH’s business is going gangbusters.

Bizarrely, this whole event is likely to turn into a giant W for RobinHood.

I know that is frustrating and confusing for many people, but it’s true.

RH is well capitalized and is experiencing massive new customer onboarding.

Its current risks are Reputational & Regulatory.

Re: Reputational - it’s signing up tons of new users. The fallout is a non-event.

Re: Regulatory - RH didn’t do anything illegal & I don’t see Biden lethally attacking a company serving 20mm retail customers (aka “voters”).

RobinHood’s customers are “less sophisticated” retail customers who traffic disproportionately in small caps and options. This is a goldmine for order flow buyers.

RH gets paid for order flow (PFOF) by Citadel Securities, et al, selling them a sneak peak at your trades.

In exchange, Citadel Securities “provide liquidity” (scalp you).

As you can see, RH’s revenue is disproportionately NOT from S&P 500 stocks.

Less liquid small caps & options are the biggest scalping, which makes sense. Likewise on sec lending.

Vig begs to be collected.

...and the WSJ discusses plumbing:

“The simplicity of [its] user inter­face masked the com­plex­ity of the different parties that touch each trade...clearinghouses [like DTCC] that collect and dis­tribute payments for customers’ or­ders & of­fi­cially transfer ownership.”

“Clear­ing­houses can take days to final­ize a trans­ac­tion. To ac­count for the risk that a trade—or a bro­ker­age —could fail be­fore the process is com­plete, clear­inghouses re­quire bro­ker­age firms to post col­lat­eral each day to guard against po­ten­tial losses.”

“Col­lat­eral re­quire­ments can be unpre­dictable. The for­mu­las clearing­houses use to ar­rive at their re­quests aren’t ...public. The amounts are known to go up in volatile times and when a broker’s cus­tomers con­cen­trate trad­ing in a small number of stocks.”

The WSJ article discloses RH COULD NOT MEET the DTCC’s initial $3B collateral request.

RH negotiated it lower by halting buying in $GME etc

“DTCC agreed. [It] was re­duced to $1.4B. RH al­ready had $700 MM on de­posit...mean­ing it only had to post an ad­di­tional $700 MM” 10/n
Props to @vladtenev & RH - crafty.

They nearly stole defeat from the jaws of victory, but instead turned it into giant, strange victory.

RH is in great shape now. I expect it to be a force for years to come, expanding offerings, growing users, & building a huge business.

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