I have been experimenting with setting boundaries. After winter break, I felt so peaceful but two weeks later I was approaching burnout yet again. I decided to give myself a mini break and only do the essential for 14 straight days and anything else I felt like doing.
In reality this meant blocking my evenings off and taking time to unwind because I knew I wasn't bringing my best self to anyone at the moment.
Of course there are commitments I had already made that I had to honor and I had to tack on a day at the end to make up for it.

I'm six days in, already more peaceful and productive, and found myself doing more on my "off days" than I normally do.
Of course I've tacked on so many days that my entire February is now blocked off due to prior commitments and urgent matters, but when they come they are not every single day, multiple days in a row and I do better even with those.

I may keep this practice going.
I referred to it as my deadline because technically it is...I have set that date as the end to this experiment. It sounds corny, but probably lifeline is more accurate.
Reflecting a little today and I don't think it's so much about the resting, although that is a part of it. I think it's more about control. Living your life vs. Letting your life live you. Putting those boundaries up allows me flexibility.
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