This is an interesting use of the term "humptydumptyism", and a misunderstanding of the point of the exchange between Alice and Humpty Dumpty in Through the Looking Glass. /THREAD
In the passage, Humpty Dumpty claims that he can use a word to mean whatever he wants it to mean, and Alice takes objection to this, stating that words have a defined meaning. 2/
This is a common right wing argument, that words have definite meanings, and that Postmodernism has been catastrophic in terms of Hermeneutics, and in society in general, as it encourages "radical relativism". 3/
Hermeneutics is the study and methodology of interpretation, particularly when it comes to Biblical and Philosophical texts. All texts, ideas and words are open to interpretation, and are viewed from a modern sociocultural lens, it's impossible for them not to be. 4/
It's a particularly dogmatic point of view, to suggest that there is a definite meaning to a text or an idea as intended by the original author (in the case of Biblical texts, this being God), and that any subsequent interpretation is heretical. 5/
Whilst Humpty Dumpty is incorrect in his assertion that you can just use words to mean whatever you'd like, it's important to note that Alice's assertion that words have a definite unchangeable meaning is also incorrect. 6/
Transphobes attempt to take Alice's view on this constantly, appealing to "common sense", stating that "words have meaning", and decrying the downfall of society if we can use words to mean whatever we choose. It's important to recognise why they are wrong. END.
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