Are those doing Yoga practicing Hinduism?

The Debates are going on at international levels, people are giving all sorts of logic, but to know the truth..

lets see what Yoga Sutras say

First question-

What is Yoga?

Rishi Vyasa answered it

"योगः समाधि:"

Yoga is Samadhi
Now we know Yoga is Samadhi, how to attain Samadhi?

"ईश्वरप्रणिधानाद्वा" (Yog sutra 1.23)

From "Ishwar Pranidhana" one can attain Samadhi, but what does this mean? It means

प्रणिधानः भक्तिविशेषः (Vyasa commentary)

A type of Bhakti, No Yoga without Bhakti
Yog Sutra 1.24 defined Ishwara, definition of Ishwar is same as we see in Hindu Scriptures

Yoga Sutra 1.27 तस्य वाचकः प्रणवः

Ishwara is known through Pranava (Aum)

ॐ, ओ३म् or Aum

So there is NO Yoga without Aum
Yoga Sutra 2.32
Vyasa Commentary

स्वाध्याययो मोक्षशास्त्राणामध्ययनं प्रणवजपो वा

Inseparable element of Yoga is Swadhyaya which means Study of Shastras(Scriptures) and chanting of Aum

These 2 come under Yoga too
It is clear that Yoga is inseparable from the practices of Dharma.

Yes anyone can do Yoga,
but to do it properly you need to change your beliefs, need to believe in Ishwar, need to develop shraddha, Bhakti, Vivek, Vairagya etc
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