1/: What is generally forgotten and ignored during this “pandemic” is that #immunity against a pathogen such as a coronavirus is usually achieved by our body's own immune defence system and mass vaccinations. In this ⬇️ #thread,⬇️ I will explain which supplements are worth taking.
3/: In the context of the current “pandemic”, I will provide you with a list of nutrients that I believe are worth considering. I will underpin my advice with both scientific publications and explanations.
4/: #VitaminD is actually an immunoregulatory hormone. While many laboratories still consider a 25(OH)D blood serum level of >20ng/mL as sufficient/healthy, more recent publications show that the optimal range is rather somewhere between 50-80 ng/mL.
5/: Vitamin D is one of the main drivers of #seasonality. The higher your vitamin D blood serum level the better your immune system works. During #winter, when the sun is scarce and vitamin D levels drop the body “slows down its metabolism”.
6/: The evidence base regarding the impact of a good vitamin D blood serum level on the severeness of the course of COVID and its mortality rate is strong. I regularly post current scientific evidence here on Twitter as in the linked thread below: https://twitter.com/goddeketal/status/1349819473444937735
8/: Secondly, studies found out that UV rays can inactivate the coronavirus. These findings are in line with many previous studies that made similar observations with respect to aerosol susceptibility of Influenza Virus to UV light. https://www.miamiherald.com/news/coronavirus/article243753872.html
9/: Supplementing with D3 does not only work in experimental setups but also in practice as shown based on the example of Andalucia. https://twitter.com/DavidDavisMP/status/1356970110578282498
10/: #VitaminK2 can be considered the “little brother” of vitamin D. Supplementing vitamin D should always go hand in hand with supplementing K2 (MK-7). This is because K2 prevents arterial #calcification and makes sure that calcium remains in the bones.
11/: I have written a scientific publication last year that explains the science and metabolic pathways behind this phenomenon. I published the paper under open access so everybody can read it for free: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S120197122030624X
12/: Many green vegetables contain high levels of vitamin K2. So you can either drink one green smoothie a day or supplement with 200µg K2 instead. This is up to you.
13/: #Magnesium deficiency is a widespread health problem. Several studies suggest that 75% of the “western civilisation” do not meet their dietary requirements for magnesium. Over 300 #enzymes require the presence of magnesium ions for their catalytic action.
14/: Also vitamin D synthesis is magnesium-dependent, which means that supplementing magnesium in general is considered beneficial. However, magnesium absorption is limited, which is why it should be taken twice a day.
16/: Just like magnesium, #zinc is required for the activity of more than 300 enzymes. Also, zinc deficiency is quite common, especially in the #elderly population. And we know that the elderly population is most vulnerable to #COVID and other viral infections.
17/: Just like vitamin D, zinc is crucial for the body's immune system to properly work. "There is substantial evidence that zinc supplementation may well reduce the impact of many [...] diseases by preventing the dismantling of the immune system." https://academic.oup.com/jn/article/130/5/1399S/4686392
18/: I take 20mg of zinc per day in the form of zinc gluconate or zinc citrate. Zinc supplements can often be found in combination with vitamin C, which is totally fine and brings us to the next vitamin suggestion.
19/: #VitaminC contributes to immune defence “by supporting various cellular functions of both the innate and adaptive immune system” ( https://bit.ly/3jj9LYf ). I take 1000mg per day in the form of Magnesium Ascorbate (i.e. providing me with Vitamin C and magnesium).
20/: Insider tip: The additional intake of #OPC (200 mg/day) can increase the effect of Vitamin C by a factor of 10. Another very informative review paper on “Vitamin C and Immune Function” by Carr et al. (2017) can be found here: https://www.mdpi.com/2072-6643/9/11/1211/htm
21/: Animal products, especially organ meats, are rich in B-vitamins. A shift of diet in the last couple of decades led to a common #VitaminB deficiency. I mean, not many people still enjoy eating #liver or alike, and high-quality #fish is usually quite expensive.
23/: #Funfact: Riboflavin makes your pee appear very yellow. This is normal and there is no reason to get nervous. On the contrary, it can provide special effects in the snow.
24/: I take a high-quality #B50 complex twice a week. This should be sufficient to compensate for deficiencies. If you eat high-quality fish and liver once or twice a week and many leafy greens, you might not even need to supplement with B-vitamins.
25/: The last advised supplement is #licorice extract or the deglycyrrhizinated form DGL. Licorice has strong antiviral properties and can be taken for several weeks (!!!) during the winter or as soon as you are suffering from a viral infection.
27/: Bailly and Vergroten (2020) state that the glycyrrhizic acid, a triterpenoid saponin mainly isolated from licorice, is a non-hemolytic saponin and a potent immuno-active anti-inflammatory agent and should be considered to treat #COVID-patients.
28/: My following scheme for followers with advanced background #knowledge shows licorice and many other addressed vitamins and nutrients in the context of #viral infections and general health problems. Keep in mind that our immune system is quite complex and requires care.
29/: By locking people up inside ( #StayHome etc.), one only creates more issues. Loneliness and fear cause oxidative stress and elevated levels of cortisol. Also staying inside means less exposure to the sun and consequently lower vitamin D levels. A vicious circle!
30/: This means that supplementing during the lockdown will help you to #tweak your immune system, this is especially always recommendable during the winter and spring season. Many people who supplement this way report that they have not been ill since then.
31/: Also be aware that supplements alone will most likely have an impact on your health but your immune system also requires good nutrition, regular exercises & satisfying social life. In particular, you also might want to eat shiitake & avoid sugars and vegetable oils. #protip
32/:I was also considering putting #CBD to my list, but I refrained from it as it is not legalized in all countries yet. However, “anti-inflammatory activity of cannabinoids may compromise host inflammatory responses to acute viral infections.” https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2903762/
34/: There are many more supplements that are beneficial. I could count up to 30 more and it is very individual (people with a malfunctioning thyroid might want to consider selenium & iodine for instance). You can discuss underneath this thread what else you'd recommend.
35/: That way we can learn from another, share experiences and benefit. This is what science is about. There is not one truth out there, even though the Ministry of Truth is currently trying to establish it.
36/: Thank you for taking your time reading this long thread and please stay sane. Also if you like the information I share, please follow my tweets and/or my private telegram channel (in case I get deleted just like many scientists that dare to speak up): https://t.me/goddek 
#TYPO! In my main-tweet, I meant to write "NOT mass vaccinations" of course, just to avoid any misunderstandings. I think I need an editor to proof-read my tweets. 😅 https://twitter.com/goddeketal/status/1358036802012119041
You can follow @goddeketal.
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