I feel I need to clear the air about my recent tweet(s) about Dan as I don’t want people thinking i am hating on him before his first episode.

So here’s a thread. :)

So Series 11 introduced 3 new companions to join the 13th doctor. Ryan, Graham and Yaz (obvs). In Series 11 the main focus was on Graham/Ryan giving them a series length story arc of grief and acceptance which I thought was done well
However this meant that Yaz was in the background and only having 2 episodes of focus, and these episodes were about her family and her dynamics with them. She did get some good stuff in other stories in series 11 but not enough like Graham and Ryan.
As a Muslim and South Asian myself, I really wanted Yaz to be developed giving good positive representation to Muslim/South Asian fans out there especially myself. In Series 12 we got her backstory in her 17th episode and not even a full story arc like Ryan/Graham.
I have to say though, from praxeus onwards there has been some consistently good material for her but I just want more. I want a story arc, I want her to have screentime and I want them to explore the Khan’s more. Representation is so important and I want them to do this properly
Now with Dan onboard I’m just concerned that Yaz will be sidelined again to tell Dans story. John did say that Liverpool would be prominent in series 13 which just adds to my worries of a Yaz story arc, development and her family
I just want good Muslim/south Asian rep and I want them to show people that Muslims are not the people like portrayed in the media. I want them to show Yaz and her family more 🥺. Give her a big story.

As I said this is no hate on John and I will judge Dan when series 13 comes.
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