I truly hope Sikhs on social media don't forget the values of our Gurus, its an everyday thing we need to work on, krodh/anger, ninda/criticism, lobh/attachment(especially to identities), moh(worldly kood), ahankaar(ego+pride), everyday on social media buttons get pressed.
Our job is to actually follow what they wrote not to get too attached to just superficial stuff and then act out in extremely bad light especially when specific person is talking normally do not take out other people's anger on them, don't get triggered too much, go beyond.
Always know Waheguru is watching from within each and every person as well as within you.
Do your best, break haumei, kood di paal.
I know it's not easy, it's meant to be this way but worth it, our Gurus were(and forever will be) the shining light during Kaljug, let's show that by our actions, walk the talk.
There are other values like Santokh(contentment), Sehaj(tranquility), Daya(kindness), meditate on the Waheguru, Naam Jaap/simran, see oneness(ik) instead of duality/polarization/duvidha.
But the panj chor(kaam, krodh, lobh, moh, ahankaar) trouble our minds often.
Then there is Shastar, Bir Ras, Sant Sipahi, but I know less as of now about these values so can't speak on it as of now.
You can follow @zereraz.
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