BEASTARS episode 1 scattered thoughts:
So I finally decided to do it, I finally checked out the critically acclaimed beastars by Studio Orange. With my preconceptions about their production quality, I was assuming a visual treat for my eyes as they did with
Houseki no Kuni and while Beastars takes a very other visual direction from Beastars It fits it perfectly. It took a visually softer handling to the character models from Houseki no Kuni which is great because it fits the fur of the animals very well and makes them look really
nicely. I’d also like to say that the background art of Beastars is beautiful I don’t know if the background art was created within the studio itself but it looked awesome and worked well with the 3D character models, its very nice to the eyes so to speak and this can also be
because of the great lighting usage. How the setting sun wil effect the character models how the bright light in the bathroom scene with Haru effected her character model to look more sterile. The lighting in this show and how it effects the atmosphere and the mood
is honestly great. The show looks absolutely amazing on this first episode and I hope it keeps up this high quality of production throughout because its already a huge visual treat to my eyes but besides being a visual treat it is also has some really nice audio production,
Like how you can properly hear how the fist of kai onto legoshi feels correct like the fist against his clothing feels accurate to my ears. Im also glad their not scared to sometimes completely turn off the music to give a scene a certain feeling. The sound design really suits
the scene progression really well its very subtle. Also how the audio itself seemingly has this almost European feel to it? Also the kind of vibe I get from the college building they reside in. I will also say that there was one moment where it all kinda broke
my immersion this was when tem fell down the stairs while this monster (assuming its not legoshi) approached him their were some awkward dust clouds every time he fell down a step which kinda looked weird but it didn’t matter because of course the next scenes were able to
enrapture my eye quite well. There’s a good sense of mystery in this episode intriguing the viewer to look onwards as well like how many sides are their to Legoshi and could it be that Haru is in fact very sexual because rabbits in real life tend to be very sexual and how wil
wall of this work out into Legoshi and Haru’s dynamic since well their both classic outcasts in their own specific way. I also wonder how this show wil handle the idea of the carnivore and herbivore as it goes forward I assume from the tone it will handle all these ideas and
concepts with the mature tone this first episode had. Especially Legoshi’s introduction was really strong building him up with all this mystery only to subvert our expectation by the end of the first half and then in the second half once again showing he has more to his character
as we are subverted once again to his character where we can see he has multiple sides to him as a character. Also I will say Louis also intrigues me but not as much as the others as he more feels like the pridefull male archetype as well as the popular boy. But with how Legoshi
and Haru were handled im sure there’s going to be more to him as well. I’d say this episode as really great and his intrigued me more then enough to continue watching. Also the fact their animals makes this a lot better. Not because im a furry but because it feels like a very
fresh and new concept where you can play around with creative ideas with how the animals would interact with each other. (Kinda with the scene of the herbivore getting angry at the carnivores and having a prejudice against them. All around this episode was great and
I'm excited to continue watching! strong first ep.
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