There's an account on here that often accuses me of dishonestly, of dissembling or obfuscating my real views behind jokes or irony. This frustrates me. I think there are not actually so many people in philosophy who are as explicit and public about their political thinking as me.
On a theoretical level I advocate for a somewhat idiosyncratic combination of logical positivist and Du Boisian thought, council communism, and Rosa Luxemburg's version of Marxism - I can 100% guarantee you that isn't what you'd pretend to believe to be cool, even on the left.
On a practical level I have been public, in ways that got me in fights on here, over lending support to Bernie or Corbyn, opposing Gender Critical feminism and its role in UK life, and disliking both IDWish reaction and Corporate Diversity Training masquerading as social justice.
I work hard to keep tight alignment between my publicly expressed views and my private attitudes. I don't enjoy GC feminists calling me a misogynist and screen capping me to try and get me in trouble at work, so it's not for fun. It's because I am invested in my own integrity.
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