Thread/ Bastardi is too thick to realise that he has fallen into what is known in legal circles as the ‘Galloway’ trap.

He has said that he is consulting lawyers about @RachelRileyRR’s tweet.
Thus, one of two things now happens.

1. His lawyers go through his years of tweets, writings and utterings and confirms that it is perfectly normal for people to think he has been directly responsible for spreading anti Jewish bigotry. And thus he doesn’t sue Rachel.
2. He sues her for libel and thousands of Jews are called as witnesses to confirm why she has reached her view. These would include MPs, actors, political commentators, comedians, business people etc.
The left have a proven track record in recent years of using useless lawyers who keep losing case after case but are happy to make money off their stupid clients.
And thus I can’t work out which option I’m hoping for!

Off to Sainsbury’s to buy cartons of popcorn ....
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