There is a particular dynamic associated with people from the west commenting on the internal issues of India - and its not because we are "insecure". It's because the dynamic is asymmetric.

We don't have our journalists/city mayors commenting on social issues in the US. There was no comment offered by Manmohan Singh for a policy like Obamacare that was widely opposed, nor did any journalist ask for it.

We don't have celebrities concerning themselves with political issues of the west. Hardly anyone shared their opinion on Trump.

Imagine what would have happened if a US secretary of defence was strip searched twice at Indira Gandhi International Airport or if a similar treatment was given to Chris Hemsworth at Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj International Airport.

US, Australia, UK, none of these countries are perfect, their own countries are going through social crisis and still they want to sit on a pedestal and pass commentaries on what a democratically elected govt should do.

So, yes when they start sharing their opinions on Indian issues without context, its natural for Indians to get defensive and ask them to stay the hell out of our country and let us deal with it ourselves. We don't require your validation.

And also considering the US' history of getting into wars for "humanity", any comment coming from them for any country is a potential attack on its sovereignty. You don't know which country they are willing to get into war with next.

Yes - this might sound exaggerated, especially in the context of US-India relations but you have to agree that their past record (except Trump admin) has not been encouraging in this regards.

This has never been said explicitly but the overall attitude has been - "we have the right to judge but you don't have the right to criticize us."

Coupled with "Do as we say or be ready for sanctions/war."

So, the next time if someone says - "Why aren't we talking about this?", do remember that its perfectly fine about being defensive and pointing out that its our internal matter.

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