OK, I'm starting early so I can have THREAD TIME!

Now, before I get started I want to provide a disclaimer. I am NOT a Qanon supporter, I am NOT a conspiracy theory nut, and I do NOT eat or ingest any types of crafting materials or petro products.

Alright, lets get started!
I managed to catch the #RealTalkRJ pod this afternoon and he talked with @klaszus and it was interesting to hear about the relationship of the big news chains and their plea to have the government bail out these outlets. What is so frustrating about this is, as Jeremy pointed
out, is that these outlets constantly push the right wing viewpoints that encourage government to stay out of private business but yet are now grovelling and asking for bailouts from the government. The fact is, these news outlets often push misinformation and right wing
propaganda into the populace to distort facts and reality. One of the biggest culprits is PostMedia. If you go and search for how many papers they own, you'll see it's a huge percentage of them and they all peddle the poison.

Jeremy also pointed out how grassroots media
outlets like the Sprawl, gets funding and is supported significantly from keeping their readership engaged and happy. I don't want to speak for them but I believe they share truths that we aren't privy to receive from a great deal of the MSM and often times use investigative
journalists for information. Jeremy emphasizes that the dedication to these grassroots outlets is building and maintaining relationships with their viewership. He also mentioned that The Sprawl is growing and he clearly has worked hard to grow the product.

Grassroots papers or
news outlets is not simply a trend or the latest fad. It's highly important that we as a populace receive reliable information and not crap and fodder to simply sell papers or memberships. Some of the pods or news outlets that I follow are: @thebreakdown, @ForgCornPod,
@kim_siever and more. After Jeremy was done, @ryanjespersen moved onto a roundtable with some friends of his from a variety of different backgrounds. It was pretty amusing and insightful.

Harman highlighted how we need to support the startups because there
is a ton of great journalists out there and to support them instead of these legacy models (Postmedia etc). During the round table exchange it was mentioned how important having professional journalism is to maintaining a healthy democracy. It was mentioned that MSM has lost a
great deal of trust from the populace and how unhealthy it is to live in a bubble.

They got onto the topic of India and with their history with little respect for human rights and a very quickly growing population (fairly young), they'll be huge and a significant threat moving
forward. Part of what the danger of India is, is that it's run by an autocrat in Modi. It is well known that autocrats are rising globally and damaging democracy across the world. This is VERY concerning.

Now lets tie this back to Canada.

This autocratic movement is
nurtured and a catalyst is found in misinformation which comes from our inability to get the real story from the media and news outlets. Now in Canada this is why we should be very worried about the Conservative party, both provincially and federally. Former PM Stephen Harper
is the leader of an international organization called the IDU (International Democratic Union). The IDU isn't completely understood but what is known is leaders like Russia's Putin, the former U.S's President Trump, the leader of China, the leader of Venezuela, and other unknown
leaders are trying to advance autocratic powers throughout the world.

The CPC is Harpers party. Erin O'toole = Kenney = Moe = Pallister =Ford. If you look at what's happening under Kenney, that's what will happen if the CPC ever get unmitigated control of our Country. The
blinding wunderkind Keean Bexte tweeted out a while ago that if the Cons get in as a governing body they'll dismantle the Charter of rights and freedoms. The Conservatives can't get into power or they'll dismantle Canada. This isn't fear mongering, this is a very real threat.
I've got many more knowledgeable followers that have more indepth knowledge of the damage that Stephen Harper did while he was PM. Many of it either wasn't covered properly of for whatever reason flew under the radar. Do some reading and digging if you don't believe how
devastating the CPC would be if they attained governing power.

It's damning to me that people who watch a dictator like Kenney and the other premiers take from the provinces and furthermore the country continue to back this party. They need to be dissolved. We don't need to
have them elected to see that. People need to wise the fuck up and quit giving them any credit like they're normal, caring human beings. They're not. They're out of touch, dishonest, completely against transparency and the ultimate grifters. They don't have plans to further
Canada, they want to break it down and sell it off. They don't respect your rights, your interests or anything else. When they show you who they are, believe them. They haven't done anything as an opposition either. They call names, sling mud, and throw tantrums. We don't
have adults serving as our opposition federally. They have an MP who proudly wore a MAGA hat, I believe Doug Ford was part of the Rebel at one point, hell THE REBEL HAS A PRESS PASS TO OUR LEGISLATURE BUILDING!!! For those of you who don't know, google the rebel and you'll see
what company they keep. It's all part of the destructive group that we identify as the federal Conservatives. CPC = Republicans of Canada.

Take this for what you will. Do some reading.

Also, to double back a bit, Postmedia is funded by dark money coming out of the States to
promote far right wing agendas and is funded and backed by the Koch brothers and the ideology is peddled partially through the Fraser Institute.

Much love as always from The Insider XXXOOO

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