There are ancient Siva temples from Kedarnath to Rameswaram with Kaleshwaram, Sri Kalahasti, Ekambareswar at Kanchipuram, Thillai Nataraja Temple at Chidambaram are aligned in a almost same geographic straight line around "79° E" Longitude.
1. Kedarnath Temple ( 79.0669)
2.Kaleshwara Mukteeshwara swamy Temple (79.9067)

3. Srikalahasti Temple ( 79.6984)

4.Ekambareswarar Temple Kanchipuram
( 79.6997)

5.Jambukeswara Temple 
(78.7055), Thiruvanaikaval
6.Tiruvannamalai – Annamalaiyar Temple (79.0676)

7.Chidambaram  Nataraja Temple (79.6935)

8.Rameswaram Temple( 79.3174)

All the above temples were built thousands years ago when there was no satelite technology is available.
How skillfull and scientific our ancestors that they have constructed temples seperated by thousands of miles 2383 km between Kedarnath and Rameswaram on almost same longitude.
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