1/ I went for ice cream. The cashier asked me to put my face mask on. I said: "Fine. I evaluated the evidence myself and it's bad. If you want the safety theater, let's do it (taking my facemask out of my dirty pocket), BUT, first I have to insist for you to use yours properly".
2/ This is what people don't get. You are in the shop, you take it out when no other people are around. If they were infected, BANG, there are virions everywhere floating around anyways. Safety, yeah right.
3/ So if an actual vulnerable (who thinks his nifty masks would protect him) arrives, he will inhale all those virions AND also some of them go straight to the outer layer. If it is a cloth one, then he is undoubtedly gonna inhale aerosolized virus over time.
4/ One interesting tidbit I didn't know but THE @Kevin_McKernan (worked at the project that designed the SOLID sequencer fame) pointed out. If the protein of the virus is compact aerosolized virus tends to be MORE infective while flatter (in 3D) becomes LESS infective.
5/ Have you seen a 3D representation of the Coronavirus protein? Looks pretty compact and round. Yeah, you guess it right. Guess what happens when our vulnerable has been using is cloth mask without cleaning for a few hours?
6/ But let's not stop there... Our poor grandpa comes home and picks up his cloth face mask (after cleaning his hands in good ol' gel alcohol) to put it in the wash-machine. Good thing he is methodological to deal with this bug.
7/ Did I mention virions on the outer layer of the mask? Yeah, I know you also wash your hands when you put your mask in the washing machine AND your jacket's pocket where you put it when you were in your car.
8/ Come on, don't tell me you didn't see that one coming!!! So let's come back to everything we did wrong to put our poor grandpa in peril. One by one.
9/ We told him. Yeah, YOU, me, the TV, bring me EVERYONE to the stand. That he could move freely without risk because between the social distancing and the mask everything is fine.
10/ What we did is exactly the opposite. Instead of encouraging the at-risk population to do the right thing (isolating FOR REALS) we told them that the world is nice and dandy, full of butterflies and colors with their rose colored masks.
11/ So, the next time you look at me judging because that poor guy is doing his job and you shouldn't be mean. Remember! Nothing is what it seems.
12/ Come on... with that level of retweets you are never gonna cause a good thread to go viral... Where are the retweets of the first post? https://twitter.com/federicolois/status/1357912797783457792
13/ Let's add another one. https://twitter.com/federicolois/status/1358170634107424771?s=19
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