As the Dominion/Smartmatic litigation moves forward one of the most fascinating veins of reporting will be on the culture of impunity at Fox. With Rudy, Lindell, Powell these are degenerate liars and sociopaths. Evil, crazy people do evil crazy things.
2/ But Fox is a huge and hugely profitable corporation. It may be a corrosive and destructive force in American life. But it’s not run by idiots. It is remarkable to me that the actions for which they are being sued weren’t yanked back by the corporations lawyers within ...
3/ days at the very latest. By any normal standard these claims never should have aired at all. But this went on for weeks and weeks. It was crystal clear these claims were nonsense. Unlike so many other Fox News victims, these companies had every incentive to sue ...
4/ they had a very strong case and they were sustaining clear and readily quantifiable damages. For any corporate legal department, certainly for a media legal department this is a DEFCON One situation. Red lights flashing. Now you may say Oh Fox is garbage, they do this kind ...
5/ of thing all the time. But actually they don’t. Not everything evil and wrong is actionable. Not everyone is in a position to sue. Not all destructive lying amounts to defamation. This had all the warning signs. It is almost unimaginable that some lawyer at Fox didn’t ...
6/ say hey this is a big risk, let’s reel this back. Were they overruled? Did no one pay attention? I can’t emphasize enough, this went on for weeks and weeks. They clearly thought they were invulnerable or perhaps the shots were being called by people who thought ...
7/ defending Trump was more important than the public company’s responsibility to its investors. No idea. But there’s a big story to tell. Maybe you think I’m exaggerating. Their situation isn’t that bad. Don’t bet on it. When you summarily cancel your channels highest rated ...
8/ show and announce the host will never appear on the air again that tells me you recognize a catastrophic if not existential legal situation.
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