BREAKING: A splintered Supreme Court grants *partial* relief to churches in California challenging COVID public-health orders limiting prayer attendance, but requests to lift percentage capacity restrictions and permit indoor singing are denied.
This is a wild division:

- Thomas and Gorsuch would give the churches everything they want, including indoor singing.
- Alito would go nearly that far
- Kavanaugh, Barrett and Roberts would not allow singing, for now
- Kagan, Breyer and Sotomayor would not grant any relief
Kagan in the first line of her dissent decrying SCOTUS's micromanaging of states' response to the pandemic:

"Justices of this Court are not scientists."
She then cites California's public-health expert on the risk of spreading COVID at indoor services:
...and explains the scientists' view of why indoor worship is not comparable to shopping in terms of risk
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