This is yet a display of the contradictory morality of the Jedi (imo)
Don’t they promote “compassion, respect & selflessness”, a sexual encounter without emotional attachment is detrimental
The other person might get emotionally attached but u just fucked for your own pleasure
Is so self-contradictory they ban attachments or romantic (emotional) implications but allow the exercise of an intimate consummation to please their old fucks. The realization of the act in such way is no far from getting to a prostitute, detached prioritizing...
...their gain (u know their sexual pleasure), is selfish and is contradictory even hypocritical with what they claim to be. Obviously it has its thematic relevance, in ROTS Obi-Wan didn’t knew Anakin and PadmĂ© were married just that he leaved her pregnant, the Jedi gaslight...
...Anakin for doing the same act they allow bc his’ actions are not detached from the person he got intimate with, bc he engaged on a relationship through emotion & sincerity first instead of his selfish motives
This shows the topic of hypocrisy & helps us understand Anakin more
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