Today, Mike Lindell came out with a 3-hour mind boggling "Absolute Proof" video on election fraud. RSBN is running this over and over from today to Sunday, other alt-right networks have picked it up as well. Let's see what's going on here.
LONG THREAD. Get coffee.
Well, there's so much disinformation thrown together I truly had a difficult time figuring out where to even start.
So, I will go in multiple directions.

The whole narrative relies on basically a spreadsheet of data, presented by Mary Fanning (screenshot from video).
Right off the bat - those target IPs? Those aren't voting machines in various states.

This part was actually pretty darn hilarious.

Alright, well, let's see WHERE they are.
The first five of them, at least.
Huh, ha?
I thought the fourth was in Arizona and the rest in Georgia.
And I see AWS and Cloudflare and Google hosting... not what you'd see with voter machines (think: similar to a computer) briefly connecting to the Internet.

Now, what if I tried to get to these in a browser?
First one unreachable, so the pictures just have the other four.

Hmpf. How do these look like voting machines again? Also, weren't they removed/turned off/whatever?

Yeah, these don't look at all like what I would expect from voting machines.
The Stormwater Management is actually from Georgia's Cherokee County. But... we vote in stormwater management? Haha.

Plesk is somebody's work in process.

Not sure what that error 1003 was, but it's behind Cloudflare, so looks like a hosted web server. Not voting machine.
And the last one said "Livel Server". Whatever THAT may be, yeah, not a name associated with voting machine.

So - we're done :)

There are a slew of problems with all this, so I'll keep going.

Lindell claims this has been the "biggest cyber attack in world history".
Let's compare.

First photo: Lindell/Fanning video of alleged election fraud "in real time" (with time stamps from Nov 3 to Nov 5, yet somehow all flows at the same time. 🙄)

Second photo: daily DDoS status worldwide, from 

Biggest attack in history, huh?
Next, let's look at the actual data from Lindell's video. I paid close attention to the Mary Fanning part.

There's a lot of fascinating stuff, and it's incidentally also beyond meaningless in proving anything. It's really a model in how to show pretty data to make false claims.
How do I know? I'm a network engineer. I'll bore you with technical stuff in a bit, but for now? Let's just say that - to technical ears - it sounded like "I saw a squirrel and now my stomach hurts. Clearly it'll snow tomorrow."

No, it doesn't make any sense.
Let me explain.
Every day, there are attempted cyber attacks in the world.

Some are prettily shown here:

We don't know what happens there. Successful? Failed? Any data stolen?

To get to those details, you have to do some digital forensic analysis.
Digital forensics is not fancy.

It's a cool way of saying you're going to look through many logs (think: walls of text), figuring out how to filter them, establishing a baseline of what's normal, and then hoping to have enough data there to identify what's NOT normal.
Yes, there are tools to use and yes, they automate things. There's still of manual work in determining if/what/where/how.

Which brings me to my next crucial point: the only thing the pretty animated map that Fanning presented MAY show is traffic from point A to point B.
No, those aren't votes being removed. No, the lines that turn red are not "finishing", they're just changing color because a graphic designer told them to.

(Sigh.) No, this really doesn't show a cyber attack "in real time".

Like I was saying, IT isn't as cute as movies show :).
Then from there, you need a way to get IN to that machine (no, the movies really do make it look easy when it's not), plus some credentials to do actually stuff.

Mary Fanning claims that "administrators that were placed on secretary of state computers" before the election. 🙄
That would entail a whole new hack of its own, just sayin', or at least inside people at ALL these voting sections.

And if you had that, why was there even need for international attacks? Simple logic test, failed yet again. I lost count. Moving on.
There were no votes just leaving the voting machine, one at a time, like school kids going to play in the schoolyard. That's not how information flows. If anything, number of votes in a database (think: spreadsheet) would've been changed.
The application would have to record a change in a log file, and we've seen nothing like that in the 3-hour video.

The entire argument of absolute proof of voter election fraud is built around some arrows and a spreadsheet.

Dream on, on one of your pillows, Mike Lindell...
Meanwhile, in real life: it's pretty simple, really:

If votes were manipulated, a log file needs to exist of that change, ON the machine where the change was performed.

If the log file does not exist, there is NO good way to prove that votes were manipulated.
You want more? I just warmed up.

Let's look at the spreadsheet she scrolls through, with source and destination IPs, with source and destination IDs. Those IDs are really something called MAC addresses, a 12-digit hexadecimal number that uniquely identifies a machine.
The first half of a MAC address uniquely points out the hardware vendor, just like the second and third characters in the VIN of a car uniquely identifies the manufacturer.

Who built hardware is publicly available information, normally.
There are websites that will help with this.

One I use frequently is this one:

I typed in the first half (all you need for the vendor info, the rest is unique to the machine) of the first 10 MAC addresses.

Uh-oh. Nada.
Hm that's strange. What do you mean no matches?

None of those voting machines have a registered manufacturer?

Doubtful. Maybe the MACs are made up?

(Yes, they are. Either for the spreadsheet or they're virtual addresses manually created. I'm thinking the first.)
Yes, I really AM saying that the source IDs are bogus.

Now, on to the source IP addresses. Oh look, a lot coming from China... clearly there's something going on there, no?

Biden, China, stuff... right?
Well, sure... except that any respectable hacker would mask their IP address, otherwise we'd see many of them arrested...

So this traffic could've really come from anywhere. It's not difficult, and there are many methods:

Such sophisticated hackers, eh?
Ok, so far we have:
- target IP are not voter machines
- target ID is not checking out (no hardware vendor found)
- source ID is meaningless
- source IP can easily be changed, so the info here is pretty useless

This is looking kinda like all those post-election court cases. lol.
Oh look, OANN ran this with a heavy disclaimer. Hm I wonder why.
There are also two PDFs that used to exist on Lindell's website, allegedly with more proof of voter fraud.

Thankfully, somebody archived them. More IT-wanna-be bull, similar stuff.

Here's one:
Ah look, there's a website listed there. Wonder what that is.

Hm There's a donation link. Grifters all the way.
Blxware connects to another website for the data listed on it, and it also has donation links. Ahahah.

By the way, both point to same GiveSendGo campaign, and it's for Dennis Montgomery.
I'll stop here, as I've gone a bit sideways from the initial task.

Needless to repeat... 3 hours of a stupid video alleging easily debunkable bull.

Why is Mike Lindell putting himself out like that, why now, why at all?

I don't know.

Thanks for making it to the end.
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