I've learned a lot about HR40 from both @jaclseattle and @TsuruSolidarity this year. There's an immediate need for the US to formally apologize and atone for slavery's lasting damage. Esp. if you're Nikkei you should send your support for HR40 and reparations (link⬇️)
If you don't know, the forming of a committee in the 80s led to eventual redress for Japanese American survivors of camp (you can read more about it on @DenshoProject https://encyclopedia.densho.org/Redress_movement/#The_Commission_on_the_Wartime_Internment_and_Relocation_of_Civilians_.28CWRIC.29) - this came with a formal admission of wrongdoing on the part of the government
The money, at least to me, was not a huge part of it (my family didn't receive any because all survivors had already died by the time it was passed), but the fact that the gov had to formally denounce its past actions and face a consequence for it was important
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