a thread of attack on titan norse mythology references (manga spoilers ahead!)
First of! I wanna talk about Ymir Fritz. Ymir was the first giant to be created from ice, who then turned evil and was killed by Odin and his two brothers to create life. Comparing this to Ymir in aot she was ate by her three daughters and then the 6 nobles drank her blood
This created the 9 titans we know of. as Ymir help create the titans in aot, norse Ymir created life.
His skin made the earth and sweat (or blood in some versions) created the sea. Mountains from bone and trees from hair. They even used his eyelashes to block the giants away from the world. Where as in aot they used titan skin to build them.
Moving onto Odin he could be seen in all of the commanders. He was always driven by knowledge, he would even make great sacrifices like sacrificing his eye to know more. This could be compared to Hange and how they lost their eye on the way to the basement.
I also see Armin and Erwin in Odin from their strive for knowledge and sacrifices.
The Ackermans Clan.

The Berzerker Clan were Odins soldiers! They would experience what they described as an awakening when on battlefield and get a new amount of strength. An example that could be used would be when mikasa fought those men with eren after she was kidnapped
Following the last tweet Levi and Mikasa resemble Thor in a lot of ways too, He was known as an “implacable foe” to the giants and was the defender of Asgard (the realm of gods) and Midgard (the human realm)
The Aesir and Vanir war - The Aesir and Vanir were two different groups of Gods. During the war they would exchange hostages which then resulted a peace agreement. It’s similar to when Ymir and Eren were kidnapped and Ymir stayed for Historia to be safe.
Eren can be seen as Loki, Armin as Odin and Mikasa as Thor. Loki was a companion to the two before before causing them great difficulty and soon became their enemy +
Loki was also chained up before with a snake above his head which dripped poison, Its similar to this scene of Eren
Then the Godess Freyja. They “Possessed a cloak of falcon feathers.” Though they didn’t actively take part in the fighting of Ragnarok they would help rescue people. Falco did the same. Another similarity is that Freyjas brother did not survive Ragnarok (Colt) and Freyja did.
Now before I move onto Ragnarok i want to mention some other smaller things!

First is about Bertholdt, This isn’t Norse Mythology but he’s seen sleeping in the same position as a hanged man Tarot card, which may also be why he kept having dreams of the man who hung himself.
Then some similarities;

Zeke as Heimdall. Heimdall has a powerful horn like Zeke’s scream that controls the titans.

Erwin as Tyr. Tyr was known as a God of War and Justice. He also had his arm bit of by the wolf Fenrir
And how Odin created humans from wood! this panel of Ymir looks very similar. If you look closely you can see the arm and back of people in the tree.
Then here you can see paths resembles Yggdrasil (the tree of life) which holds the 9 worlds together like how paths hold the 9 titans.
And finally Ragnarok.

Before Ragnarok began the Pose Edda spoke of giants being awoken, as well as ancient warriors of Valhalla and The dead of Hel. The warriors are the last titans shifters and the Dead of Hel are the titans in the walls.
They would say that a monster would break free at Ragnarok “an enemy of the gods are bound but destined to break free” As we have talked about that the rumbling is Ragnarok, These enemies are clearly the titans in the walls when Eren sets them Free. Then Loki leads them to Aesir.
The first sign of Ragnarok is the murder of the God Baldr. Baldr can be seen as Sasha, who was the God of light, joy and purity which fits Sasha’s wholesome description. I know we are upset about her death but when looking at it in this way it seems necessary.
Something that is scarily similar is how Armin is swallowed by Ymir (as I mentioned Armin is Odin) Odin was swallowed by Fenrir. This happens at the end of Ragnarok.
Thor then kills Jormungandr and dies after taking nine steps. Jormungandr can be seen as Eren’s founding titan form. This also matches the theory of Armin being the last one standing because Mikasa is seen as Thor.
Now there is myths that Ragnarok has happened before, that the end is just the beginning, that it “Loops” which also matches another theory of AOT ending in a time loop.
and finally, I found this final thing. Jormungandr and Ymir both produce this liquid. Which created Ymir. Maybe it’s the liquid Ymir Fritz fell into.
also one more thing is how loki dies at the end of ragnarok !! who is also the person who started it. i feel like i’m forgetting things so if you know more pls tell me :) there’s so many parallels that i doubt i have all in here but thank u for reading
i’m coming back to say i realised i used atlas which is greek plsss, i remembering seeing it a while ago and was like “i’m gonna use that as a cover pic!!” i didn’t even think about it help
okok so few more things!! (thank you @kakashisimpp for sending me it)

is Zeke as Utard-Loki, I said earlier that he could Heimdall because their horn and scream are similar too but I see him closer to Utard now. They even resemble each other in looks by being tall and hairy.
Both would even test their victims strength by “playing” with them. Like how Zeke through the rocks at the Survey Corps
and then the Valkyries. They can be seen as the Survey Corps.

The Valkyries were ruled by Odin, and sent to the battlefield. I guess the odm gear is like how the Valkyries fly around but that’s just a guess! (i’m hoping this is the last i’ll add to this thread but who knows)
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