Because I've had some time to think about this while cleaning up dinner:

We spent four years watching Trump's kids profit off the presidency. Every day. Not just in the obvious ways, but also from connections, power, and ways we're still discovering.

Trump's family and Trump business, these grifting garbage people profited off the Office every single day of Trump's presidency. I mean, seriously, do you think anyone would have read Don Jr's book if Trump WASN'T president? Let alone making it a bestseller?

Now, is that what Hunter Biden is doing?

Is it? If not, WHY not? Is there a difference? Is so, WHAT difference?

Before you start screaming at me again, note that I'm not saying it's the same, I'm not saying it isn't. I'm saying we should answer those questions HONESTLY.

It's not about Trump. It's not about Biden.

It's about US.

About what we expect of the people who lead our country.

THAT's what @waltshaub was saying.

Maybe we disagree on the details, but we must HAVE the conversation. Our ethics shouldn't depend on who is in office.

You want a better nation, you have to be a better citizen.

And that means sometimes you have to ask questions when you maybe aren't going to like the answers.

Because this 5-tweet thread has gone viral and I'm getting clobbered with responses at the moment, I'm going to link it to this morning's piece which will hopefully answer some of your questions about the OP.

You can follow @Stonekettle.
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