There was a time when ppl esp journalists scoffed at anyone who suggested that it was idiots who voted for Modi. They'd say how can u criticise voters?
Actually, it was not a criticism of voters but highlighting their naivete which made them believe in Modi. Again & again...1/n
They discounted the fact that an entire army from different walks were drafted to support Modi relentlessly. Blindly. Like a cult.
There were hordes journalists, TV anchors, cricketers, bollywood actors/celebs, economists, business persons, bureaucrats even the courts...2/n
The critics of the oppsn strongly believed the oppsn was to blame. It was weak & incapable. They also believed nothing had changed & that everything was the same exactly as it was before 2014. 
They blamed the opposition. Calling it weak and incapable. Calling them losers..3/n
..Especially Congress. This wasn't really true. But most people's judgement was clouded.
The full extent to which the malfeasance had seized all arms of the society wasn't understood by most. It is only now becoming clear to many.
We've heard the media constantly insert...4/n
..Pakistan, jihadis, Kashmiri terrorists, Muslims etc. into debates instd of quesns on governance. Yet, ppl didn't understand the orchestration engaged to hoodwink them.
The farmers protest is very different. The protest & more importantly the Govt's action and reaction..5/n it brings into sharp focus its character & capability.
Modi hasn't fooled the ppl. It is wrong to say that. Actually, the fools created Modi & placed him to rule themselves. That too after throwing out an infinitely better PM(MMS). The thali, taali, bathi episode proves..6/n
..that its a mindless cult that has been carefully developed. Mindlessness was also proved by the "Main bhi Chowkidar" episode, when even Ministers participated without spending a moment to think what they were really doing.
I don't think such things have happened anywhere..7/n
..else in the world. In this, we are unique. But instead of highlighting the absurdity & juvenile nature journalists were falling over each other to showcase it as brilliance. If anyone knows of such events elsewhere, please do inform. I'll be happy to know i was wrong...8/n
..Post Script: Particular Sr journalists would viciously attack even if you whisper doubts about EVMs being tampered. They would fight like as if they manufactured the EVMs and had personally checked that they were tamper proof. These journalists are still around..9/n
...& their real colours stand exposed. It is time to question and dump EVMs.
Bottom line: the journalists who were orchestrating against the opposition and in particular Congress were wrong. At best it was poor judgement at worst they're part of the problem...10/10
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