We believe that history is built daily and we should celebrate what we learn . This year we have learned a lot about Belize, thanks to Katie @kat_ush_kin tweets. She is a garifuna, Belizean artist and poet, whose social media keeps us learning facts we never knew.
For example about the late belizean author Zee Edgell and her novel Beka Lamb. The book deals with social insecurity, racial prejudice and the rule of the conservative church in a small town.
We also learned about Peggy, an enslaved woman whose mistreatment in her belizean plantation went unpunished.
We encourage you to follow Katie on twitter and instagram and continue learning from her and her art. We are glad to have found @kat_ush_kin and be able to celebrate her this #BlackHistoryMonth #Belizean #garifuna
You can follow @CostaRicaAfro.
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