the last transit of saturn through pisces was a container for pluto's shift from scorpio into sagittarius. the next will create a container for pluto's shift from capricorn into aquarius. perhaps this speaks to the nature of saturn in pisces, particularly the 1993-1996 cohort
we were born on a pivot point, and our first saturn returns embody a similar pivot. we were born to exist in liminal spaces, to see in front of and behind ourselves, to be caught somewhere between backward and forward motion, perpetually swaying
we are caught between our structure-building, critical-thinking peers with saturn in capricorn and aquarius (+ pluto in scorpio) and the disruptors and rabble-rousers of saturn in aries (+ pluto in sagittarius). we see the value of both techniques, and the other possibilities
i've written before about the myspace cutoff being (for most people) around the mid-90s. that's the saturn in pisces group, the group that watched older friends and siblings graduate into a dismal job market, filled with dread for our turn
we were among those joining social media at its inception, and we watched gen z completely change the game. we're arguably the last to remember the vestiges of 90s technology and internet culture, among the last to have grown up in a pre-smartphone world
saturn in pisces is perhaps so confusing and hard to pin down precisely because of its liminality, the way it occupies a space of possibility and attempted synthesis of disparate elements. water facilitates connection
i suspect our first saturn return, which will mirror the plutonic shift we were born into, will shed light onto the meaning, because it seems a lot of us currently are fumbling in the dark a bit. uncertainty is baked into our nature
and i hope that someday saturn guides us into deeper meaning, or at least into the structures that help us create meaning of all that we have seen
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