Building upon our prior work with video-based deep learning models on echocardiogram videos, we used deep learning to identify subtle features, hidden relationships, and obtain greater value from commonly obtained medical imaging. 2/n
Using a large corpus of almost 75k echocardiograms from @Stanford and @CedarsSinai, we trained computer vision models to use echocardiogram videos to predict common biomarkers of both cardiovascular and systemic disease. 3/n
Surprisingly, we found strong performance in predicting biomarkers of both cardiovascular disease (BNP, troponin I) as well as non-cardiovascular systemic disease (BUN, hemoglobin, etc). 4/n
To understand these results, we performed a variety of ablation experiments to try to understand the most relevant imaging features and show predictive value in both texture and temporal motion information. 5/n
We also show that our models can continue to get better with more data – there is a not a clear inflection point in model performance as we scale model training with more training examples. 6/n
Tremendous contributions by our entire team @yuanneal @bryandhe @jeebinger Patrick Botting, Jasper Lee, John Theurer, @JamesETooley Koen Neiman @mattlungrenMD David Liang, Ingela Schnittger, @HeartBobH , @jonc101x @euanashley and Susan Cheng. A model of multidisc collaboration!
You can follow @David_Ouyang.
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