Sleep is when the magic happens:

(I wrote this for myself to remind me to get to bed and that I will have the time to finish everything I want, but not if I remain sleep deprived)

It's helping so far, so it helps others

1/ Don't kill your brain

Sleep helps convert new memories and thing you learned into long-term information. Having more trouble word finding, recalling things you should know? No shit, it's because you haven't been sleeping.

Now get to bed on time tonight and every night!
2/ You feeling alright?

You're feeling less happy, more groggy, & less energetic. That's because your sleep impacts your mood. Your brain can't respond to daily life challenges in time, so you're more upset and less patient.

Now get the F to sleep before you get a panic attack
3/ Do you want a stroke?

You're healthy now, no high cholesterol, no high blood pressure, no heart disease. Now let's keep it that way. Sleep deprivation leads to high blood pressure which can lead to a stroke.

Now get to bed on time tonight!
4/ Are you trying to build muscle or build a bad habit?

You know that you cause micro-tears when you lift weights.

They only get repaired when you relax and sleep.

So unless you want twigs for arms and little chicken legs, best get to sleep!
5/ You want to be around for your wife and kids

You might not have kids yet, but they may be on the way soon. Don't you want to live as long as you can so you can always be there for your family?

If so, take care of your sleep so you can take care of your family!

If anyone else is struggling with a sleep problem. DM me, I might need an accountability partner. Heck, I'll create a group and we can all support each other.
You can follow @Flexcents.
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