hi all, this is @jasminprix ready to watch Lizzie Borden’s BORN IN FLAMES — which was made in 1983 and yet has more interesting things to say about our present than a lot of more recent work (sorry <3)
let's HIT PLAY #VultureMovieClub
a shout out to @AnthologyFilm for the gorgeous restoration!
if anyone would like to sing-a-long to the film’s anthem (honestly very much a ~vibe~ these days) here are the lyrics to The Red Krayola’s “BORN IN FLAMES” #vulturemovieclub
We can all agree that when Honey from Phoenix Radio says they are fighting against “the system that names itself falsely” where “the rich get richer and the poor just wait on their dreams”

...that sounds a *little* familiar #vulturemovieclub
A New York Mayor failing his people during a time of crisis...... #vulturemovieclub
The feminist bicycle gangs taking it upon themselves to protect women from street harassment --> collective organizing works! #vulturemovieclub
Lizzie Borden’s first feature was Regrouping (1976), an experimental documentary about a women’s collective — another example of her skill in assembling and layering a controlled chaos of sound + image as a way to chronicle (real and speculative) feminist history
let's talk about who plays Zella Wylie in the film #vulturemovieclub

FLORYNCE (FLO) KENNEDY, real-life militant activist and lawyer
Auntie Flo was known for for her sartorial flair, often wearing a leather cowboy hat, pink sunglasses and too many accessories to count + her work for civil rights and reproductive justice was infused with militant Black Feminism, spilling over between the streets and courtrooms
Kennedy represented the Black Panthers on a bombing charge, defending the estates of Billie Holiday and Charlie Parker from predatory record companies and set up the Media Workshop in 1966 to organize against racism and sexism in journalism
Flo Kennedy also participated in the National Women’s Political Caucus, which nominated Shirley Chisholm (who in 1968 was the first Black woman elected to Congress) for president
BORN IN FLAMES has so many scenes of FBI agents conducting surveillance on Black revolutionaries!!! It *IS* possible for a fictional film to give us some bits of more history left out in the average textbook #vulturemovieclub
At this point I'm sure everyone has spotted the young Kathryn Bigelow (who plays one of the editors of the Socialist Youth Review) #vulturemovieclub
Borden met Bigelow while she was in the Whitney Museum’s Independent Study Program #vulturemovieclub

bit of film trivia: “Everyone was collaborating in those days [...] Kathryn borrowed my car for her first short film, The Set-Up (1978)"
Borden (L) was introduced by Bigelow (R) to a group Art & Language, she says in an interview: "I was reading a lot of Marx and Emma Goldman and thinking about communism and anarchism"*

*(girl you can tell <3)
BORN IN FLAMES makes a really strong + key point about the importance of international solidarity when it comes to fighting for liberation in the scenes where Adelaide travels to the Western Sahara to meet other militant feminists and learn from them #vulturemovieclub
My kingdom for this t-shirt
Borden asked the leader of Red Krayola to write the song that plays throughout the film (often accompanying scenes of women's labor) and she loved the title so much she used it for the film -- which was initially going to be called "Les Guerilleres" #vulturemovieclub
BORN IN FLAMES is a very sharp study of the importance of media autonomy and communication strategies in organizing + a key conversation is when the editors decide to not publish a photo of Adelaide Norris's body after her political assassination #vulturemovieclub
Have we not seen time and again that the spectacle of Black people killed and brutalized by the state does nothing to change things?
Lots of fabulous music in this film (Jimi Hendrix’s “Voodoo Child,” The Staple Singers’ “I’ll Take You There,” Billy Holiday’s “Strange Fruit”)

and a very well-placed snippet of Stevie Wonder's "Black Man" #vulturemovieclub https://open.spotify.com/album/6YUCc2RiXcEKS9ibuZxjt0?highlight=spotify:track:6nGaPDMcXeY7YS3O8B8C6s
“We live in a fake socialist state, one which exists in name only...It denies the very basis of true socialism, which is constant struggle and change.” #vulturemovieclub

~permanent revolution~
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