Thoughts on the Woody Allen/Mia Farrow HBO documentary. A thread.
Woody Allen is obviously innocent of any accusations made by Dylan Farrow. Anyone who looked beyond a headline can see that. More people have a problem with Allen’s relationship with Soon-Yi.
If Dylan recanted or admitted she is lying, people will still hate Allen for Soon-Yi. So it’s surprising that HBO would lean into Dylan - a deeply unsympathetic person. Or the Farrows.
Ronan Farrow has been discredited this year and been dying to get his career back on track. He was laughed out by the Black Lives Matter movement for trying to be a white saviour. He has no second story. Even his first is in doubt.
Mia Farrow, who I loved in so many films, is clearly a terrible person who has avoided questions about abusing her children, beating them and the deaths of two of them under her care. Accusations she was fucking Frank Maco, etc.
The producers of the doco are obviously making this with an agenda. It’s interesting to see the Michael Jackson fanbase roll their eyes at this. If anything, anyone who saw Finding Neverland (I did not) and thought it was nonsense, has already branded this new doco more nonsense.
People with a range of views on Michael Jackson thinks Finding Neverland is nonsense. This new Woody Allen documentary will be more (and functionally less) of the same. If this came from anyone else, there’d be a better reaction. They could not pick worse people to make this.
The ONLY trick they have is to paint Woody Allen as a ‘creep’, whatever that means. The same way Hilary was a creep, etc. It’s just pour suspicion, by talking about how weird he is. They will likely dig out his control freak tendencies. His anxieties about cleanliness.
As someone from a non English speaking background - that suspicion tactic is the heart of racism. Distrust, divisive and appeal to feelings of inadequacy in people. Did someone look at you funny once? Let us justify that suspicion. It’s gross.
Even the title - Allen vs Farrow - suggests there are winners and losers. Many people who believe Allen is a horrible person, also believe Mia Farrow and Ronan Farrow are horrible people. I would say a majority of people just hate the whole thing and everyone involved.
Interesting the reaction in article comments and social media. They breakdown as 1) yay anyone who speaks up about abuse. 2) this seems extremely one sided from discredited sources. 3) we know Allen is innocent, what is this shit?
Here’s how it will play out. The same outlets will write think pieces when it airs. Some corners will praise Dylan Farrow for speaking out (from her rich, protected millionaire corner. I wonder if Alan Dershowitz is still her lawyer)
Most people won’t watch it and will just think it’s another in a series of HBO hit job docos. Whatever you think about Woody Allen and Mia Farrow - there’s nothing truthful for factual here.
Dylan and Ronan will fail to understand from their bubble of privilege and their echo chamber why people don’t believe them and try again in a few years. They assume everyone loves them. And some people will love them more. The bravery of having access to your own doco crew.
The problem with social media and media is its easy to find people who agree with you even when you’re wrong. Hello extremism. They won’t hear the criticism. And they will spin this into their next story (Ronan) or next book (Dylan). They haven’t had any success in years.
And then more of the same. Just the same old social media shouting from sad people who don’t read but want to be heard. The Farrows will hide away again because unless their manicure their story it doesn’t hold up. Woody Allen will continue to work, and loved outside America.
I feel bad for the rest of the Farrows like Moses Farrow, who was on the front page of The Guardian earlier this year. There is a lot to be said about the Farrows and I suggest @bloodoftheland ‘s excellent doco
I also suggest you read Moses Farrow’s account of his own upbringing.
Last word. It would be nice if the media scrutinised this doco. Review it for what it is. But they know sensationalised clickbait works better. That’s my only hope is that some outlets look at this one sided bullshit and calls it for what it is. I’m not holding my breath.
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